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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Let's Play Hangman

Idiom of the Day

a falling out

A severe quarrel or disagreement, especially one that leads to a temporary or permanent end of a relationship.

Link to Writers' Guides

Below are links to entries containing tips for writers and points of grammar and usage:

Parts of Speech . . . and Beyond
A detailed discussion of parts of speech – not just definitions but extensive treatment of subdivisions and rules for use.

Those Pesky Verbals
An examination of gerunds, infinitives, and participles.

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
The rules for making pronouns agree with their antecedents, with some notes on how to avoid "sexist" pronouns.

A discussion of balanced sentence structure.

Uses of the Semicolon
Short and simple guide to use of the semicolon.

Comma Splices
How to avoid and correct one of the most common errors – the comma splice.

Brief Guide to Comma Usage
Outline of the rules for when to use commas and when not to use them.

Toward Concise Writing
Some pointers on how to make writing more concise.

Possessive Nouns: The Apostrophe
An explanation of the rules for forming the possessive case of nouns by adding either an apostrophe + s or just an apostrophe.

The Pronoun Trap
Among the most embarrassing errors are those involving common pronouns.  Here is how to avoid such errors.

Agreement of Subject and Verb
Rules for subject–verb agreement, with illustrative sentences.

Hyphenated Words: A Guide
When should a word be hyphenated and when not hyphenated?  Here are some answers.

"Which" Versus "That"
A brief explanation of when to use which and when to use that.

Active and Passive Voice of Verbs
The voice of verbs – where the subject does the action (active) and where the action is done to the subject (passive).

Sentence Patterns
A fairly detailed account of types of sentences and how they are structured.

The Five C's
A description of the five components of effective writing.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


In Silence

by Shinta Harini

I plopped down on my seat, and sighed. I was hoping for a window seat on this flight home from New York. Coming home to a home that was no longer a home after my parents’ separation was a really hard trip to make. I needed time to work things out. But here I was, on an aisle seat. Next to a guy with eyes bluer than the ocean… A guy…

Hey, I knew this guy! I looked closely at him. He was looking out the porthole. Sometimes he nodded his head to the tune of a song he was listening to on his earphones.

“Going to Des Moines?” I said, trying my luck. I had to raise my voice above the loud music that I could hear even without the earphones.

“What?” He stared at me, taking off the earphones. “Des Moines? Yeah. Yeah.” His voice trailed off. My heart leapt up.

Des Moines! Perfect! I mustered the courage to ask, “You’re Jordan Ward, aren’t you?”

He stared hard at me. I freaked out. I felt my face reddening at once.

Match Up


Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!





Match each word in the left column with its antonym (opposite) on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!


Friday, March 25, 2016

Word of the Day


pedantic discuss

Definition:(adjective) Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules.
Usage:Pedantic and hypercritical, meddlesome and fault-finding, he was a terror to the clerks under him.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Composed by E.Y. Harburg & Harold Arlen
Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Listen again and sing along. How do you like the song?
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up (1)_____
There's a land that I heard of
once in a (2)_____

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies (3)_____ _____
And the dreams that you dare
to dream really do (4)_____ _____

Someday I'll wish (5)_____ _____ _____
And wake up where the clouds are far (6)_____ _____
Where troubles melt like (7)_____ _____
Away above the (8)_____ _____
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue (9)_____ _____
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little blue birds fly
beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why (10)_____ I?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Mereka Yang Pernah Mengarungi Bahtera Ini Bersama Kami

[A] Aida Fitriana | Ahmad Yudistira | Ali Mahfud | Aisah Sulaeman (RIP) | Anneke Senduk (RIP) | Annie Moertoyo | Astrid Susanti [C] Cathee Mang | Cicik Putra Perkasa | Cindy Kusnadi [D] Dandy Fikhriyanto | David Merrels (RIP) [E] Efigenia Ismail | Endang Gultom | Evi Sofiawati (now part of our recording team) [F] Fauza Rasyid | Fachri Faridh (RIP) | Febby Fahrani | Febriyarso Bimantoro  [G] Gabriel Ferry Halim | Gloria C. Kismadi [H] Hafilia Riniati Ismanto | Heddy Triyana Putra [I] Ipik Djaya [J] Jean Hamel | Jonathan McLean | Jusnidar Rahman [K] Kurniawan Suriya [L] Linda Sumaiku | Lisa Caroline Brand | Lisa Hadinoto [M] Madonna Yasmin | Mathilde May Tumenggung | Maya Jayapal | Mieke Yulastari Chasbullah | Munawarah Saudin | Michael Kelley | Mohamad Ali Akbar | Mukti Mulyana (now part of our recording team) | Munawarah Saudin [N] Ngahesti Gadroen [P] Paul Lincoln Hudson | Penny Burhan | Pranawangsih Yuniarhutari (now part of our recording team) [R] Rama Munajat Sukarma | Reny Luhur | Riani Inkiriwang Winters | Ridha Aska Amanda | Rini Hastiara Lasman | Riza Aulia [S] Sandra Sembel | Selena Madini | Siswadi Atmoyuwono | Siti Puji Rahayu | Siti Soeriyah | Sitti Andi Nilasari Kamil | Sri Billah | Sukasah Syahdan | Sumarno | Sunama Nawawi | Susilowati [T] Toto Endroyono | Trusti Djarwadi [U] Uswatun Hasanah [V] Vera Djuliarso Blogger Widget

Monday, January 4, 2016

Projection Meeting 2016

Hi, there!

We hope your Christmas and New Year holidays were great. Going back to work after a long break can be tough. Some people find it all doom and gloom, but not us. Do you want to know how we got rid of the blues?