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Monday, November 16, 2015

The History of Materials Department

Written by Gloria C. Kismadi

     After all the subsidies from USIS ceased, LIA was completely on its own. There was the difficulty of getting coursebooks from the US in such large numbers on time to distribute them to the students. At the time, there was also the rise of Communicative Language Teaching as the current methodology being used in language courses in the US and other countries where the demand for English as a tool for communication was growing.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Program ET (English for Teens)

Photo by Arief Sabarudin
 Program ini dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelajar SMP untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris baik secara lisan maupun tulisan, serta meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dalam berkomunikasi.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

WRITING Series (One-Year English Program)

These books have been designed to enhance the students' writing ability. Each book contains 8 units, with each unit covering 2 lessons. Instruction in the various writing techniques is imparted through the use of interesting topics while recycling of these techniques is carried out wherever possible. Although the focus of this book is on writing, the other skills (listening, reading and speaking) are also incorporated in the activities. In addition, particular grammar points which are relevant to the topic discussed are reviewed for reinforcement. Through these books, students are expected to improve their fluency as well as accuracy in the use of English, enabling them to write clear and comprehensible pieces of writing.

Monday, November 9, 2015

What's Wrong with the Term "Second Language Writers"?

It's this very question that requires critical scrutiny. If some people feel there is anything negative or pejorative about it, that means they have implicitly accepted the idea that being an L2 writer is somehow negative. By avoiding the term without challenging the negative perception, people are inadvertently perpetuating the problem.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Using Songs in ESL Classes

It's great to use songs in the class to avoid boredom. But beyond using them solely to give your students some 'light relief', there are many other ways songs can be used in ESL classrooms to consolidate what students have already learned. Here are some ideas you might want to use:

Program EA (English for Adults)

 Program ini dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelajar SMA, mahasiswa dan umum untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris siswa baik secara lisan maupun tulisan, serta meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dalam berkomunikasi.

Friday, November 6, 2015

About Us | Tentang Kami

We publish general English materials for classroom use at LIA branches as well as for LIA's clients. 

Our products are aimed to run three programs:
GEA (General English for Adults)
GET (General English for Teens)
GEYL (General English for Young Learners)

If you need English materials and/or tests for your school/instituation, do not hesitate to contact us.

We would like to extend our great appreciation and sincere gratitude to:
  1. LB LIA branches in Java, Sumatra, Borneo, and Celebes for having been using all our customized series since 1975.
  2. SMP Bakti Mulya 400, Jakarta for using our Chataway series
  3. SMP Bina Insani, Bosowa
    for using our Say it!
  4. SMA Bina Insani, Bosowa for using our Speaking for SMA series.
  5. Pendidikan Profesional LIA for using our One-Year English Program series.

Contact us

GE Department
Jl. Pengadegan Timur Raya no 3
JKT 12730

Phone: 021-7943526 ext. 510
Fax 021-............ 
Kami menerbitkan materi bahasa Inggris umum untuk pengajaran di cabang-cabang LIA dan untuk klien-klien LIA. 

Produk-produk kami diperuntukkan untuk menjalankan tiga program kursus:
Bahasa Inggris untuk dewasa (GEA)
Bahasa Inggris untuk remaja (GET)
Bahasa Inggris untuk anak (GEYL)

Jika Anda memerlukan materi dan/atau tes untuk sekolah/institusi Anda, jangan ragu hubungi kami.

Kami haturkan apresiasi mendalam dan beribu terima kasih kepada:
  1. Cabang-cabang LB LIA di Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan, dan Sulawesi yang telah memakai semua materi khusus kami sejak 1975.
  2. SMP Bakti Mulya 400, Jakarta untuk pemakaian Chataway.
  3. SMP Bina Insani, Bosowa untuk pemakaian seri Say it!
  4. SMA Bina Insani, Bosowa untuk pemakaian seri Speaking for SMA.
  5. Pendidikan Profesional LIA untuk pemakaian seri One-Year English Program.